Maid of the Loch Newsletters
December 2024
May 2024
December 2023
July 2023

THE restoration progresS
In June 2021 a new carriage, funded mainly by Historic Environment Scotland, was completed and this allowed the ship to be slipped for essential hull repairs.
The hull has now been surveyed and is being restored especially in the area of the boiler room where the steel was most degraded.
Replating of the boiler room has passed the difficult part, with the new keel, side longitudinals, and frames all fully welded in place. Further work is now envisaged as new thinning has revealed itself, but this is clearly defined and will be underway again as soon as funds allow. That work is now underway again and under the care of Marine Design International, naval architects, and JPS restoration who are undertaking the replacement welding to the hull, ably assisted by our own volunteer crew.
Our other two major projects are painting of the hull and paddle restoration. The special coatings now required were generously provided by Jötun. Painting of the funnel is now complete and returned to the original buff colour. We also aim to coat the hull in the original white colour but preparation of the hull on the port side needs to happen first. That will require more funds.
Restoration of both paddles is well underway with the new starboard paddle floats all now in place. Before we commence further reassembly work however we will need to repair more steel within the starboard paddlebox and that will require further funds. We have all the new parts to hand and ready for replacing. Work to the port paddle is paused meantime until we complete the starboard paddle. We do have all the paddle parts refurbished and awaiting reassembly.
Click here to take a 360 degree virtual Maid tour. We are very grateful to Turkey Red Media who supplied the scan to us at no cost.
Above you can download recent newsletters. They will provide more detail about all our activity including the restoration and our amazing crew.
VOLUNTEERING AT THE MAID- a great opportunity
There are many, many tasks that we need to complete so if you have the main qualification of enthusiasm and you’d like to join with us in helping restore the ship then please get in touch.
We are also seeking volunteers who will be trained as guides for our Easter to October weekend opening days. You need to like speaking with people and be prepared to learn and relate the Maid’s story. We need you to be able to offer a minimum of 2 days volunteering per month.
All volunteers must be aged 16 and over.
Contact us by phoning 01389 711865 or email us at